Chances are you?ve read a blog at one time or another. There might even be some you follow. But have you ever thought about writing your own? It could be just what your business needs to get it out of the doldrums.
Especially if you live in a part of the country well away from the usual centres of commerce.
If your business is run entirely online, you?ll be limited in how you communicate with those in other parts of the world. The same goes for all online transactions of course.
Most of the time your copy will be your shop window, as well as a means of someone getting to know you as a person and how you operate. But of course as copy is business based there?s only so much it can tell them.
So how about a blog to fill that gap?
It can still be part of your business but in an informal way. It?s where you can have conversations with people so they get to know you better as a person. A bonus when everything else is done through machines. But it needn?t be all about business of course.
It can be used as an exchange for ideas. A place to share knowledge and experience perhaps. It?s also a chance to share your area of the world with others. And let them know it?s still part of civilisation whatever some of them might think! And of course to get their views as well.
How much nicer is it when you get to know someone first before you do business with them? Because you?ve built up a rapport you feel reassured in a way you wouldn?t always feel with a stranger.
If you can build up a following with your blog so much the better. But to do that you have to keep the content fresh. Posting regularly will show you?re still there and showing an interest in them as well. If someone replies it?s your job to respond. It?d be rude not to.
Especially if you?ve instigated a debate of some sort. Or have asked for their feedback and opinions. A blog is your chance to let your hair down and really communicate with others out there. So why not go for it and see what happens?